Our Valentine party will be Friday, February 14th. Please have your child decorate a shoe box for their valentines. You may send this to school next week.
Weekly Schedule:
Week of 2/3/25
Monday Return signed Test Folder
Blessing of the Throats on the Feast of St. Blaise
Return Library Book
100th Day! Dress like you are 100 years old
Wear gym uniform
Saturday 2/8 - Reconciliation practice at the Church 10:00am
Looking Ahead:
2/6 - 100th Day - 2nd Grade will dress like they are
100 years old
2/12 Progress Reports
2/14 Dress Down- gym bottoms and red/pink/white tops
Class Celebrations
2/17 School Holiday
3/4 Home and School General Meeting 7pm
3/6 Ash Wednesday 9:00am Mass
3/8 First Reconciliation
Reconciliation Dates:
Saturday, February 8, 2025 10:00-11:00am First Reconciliation Practice in the Church Saturday, March 8, 2025 10:00am First Reconciliation
HMH Website
Login for the Reading/ELA site is www.hmhco.com/ui/login The District/Independent School is Blessed Teresa Calcutta. Type in your child's username and password (found on the first page of their homework book)
Click on Discover, go to the drop down, for selecting a program, click on HMH Into Reading G2
*Be sure to pack a daily snack for our morning break.
*Make sure your child has enough water to get
through the school day.
Please check the red Take Home Folder everyday. Please make sure it is returned to school daily with
the signed agenda and behavior calendar. Thank you for ordering Scholastic Books! Your
orders help build our classroom library. Facts Please check your students progress online weekly on our grading site. This is your way of knowing how your child is progressing. Do not wait until report card time to see your child's grades. You may access their grades as often as you like. Our grading website is Facts. If you need your Facts login information, please contact the school office as I do not have your usernames and passwords at my disposal.
Please have your child dress appropriately for the weather. An appropriate jacket will be required as we
try to go outside everyday.
Remember that to volunteer in the classroom or to chaperone any field trips, all clearances must be obtained. Clearances will be checked prior to any volunteer opportunities. Please call the school office if you need further details or you have any questions.