1. Jesus wants us to follow the commandments.
2. Our friendship with God is hurt by sin.
3. Mercy is another word for God's love and forgiveness.
4. Jesus told us that God loves us and is ready to forgive us.
5. Sin is any thought, word, or act that we freely choose to commit even though we know that it is wrong.
6. Free will is God's gift to us that allows us to make choices.
7. A venial sin is a sin that hurts our friendship with God.
8. A mortal sin is a sin that breaks our friendship with God.
9. Jesus told a story about a father who loved and forgave his son. Be able to use words or pictures to retell the story.
10. Remember that good choices show your love for God, yourself, and others. Be able to draw a picture showing yourself making a good choice.
1. Jesus’ teaching to love God and others is the Great Commandment.
2. The Ten Commandments are special laws that God gave his people.
3. Jesus taught us to love God, ourselves, and others.
4. In Commandments 1, 2, and 3 we learn ways to love God.
5. In Commandments 4 through 10 we learn ways to love ourselves and others.
6. The Commandment- Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day- reminds us to join our parish each Saturday evening or Sunday for Mass.
7. The Commandment you shall not steal reminds us to care for our own things and not to take things from others.
8. When we obey God's Commandments we do not say mean things about others.
9. Students will need to write why we should always speak God’s name with respect.
10. Students should be able to write a story or draw a picture about a person who follows one of the commandments.
1. The Bible is the book in which God's Word is written.
2. We learn about God's people who lived before Jesus in the Old Testament.
3. The Gospels are books of the New Testament that tell about Jesus' life and teaching.
4.The word gospel means "good news!"
5. The Old Testament tells about God's people who lived BEFORE JESUS.
6. The New Testament is about Jesus Christ and his disciples.
7. The Gospels are the four books about Jesus' life and teaching.
8. The Old Testament is the FIRST part of the Bible.
9. The New Testament is the SECOND part of the Bible.
10. Gospel means "good news." The four books of the New Testament called Gospels are about the Good News of Jesus Christ.
11. The children should be able to portray themselves helping someone, praying, or showing love to others. This can show someone that they have listened to Jesus' teaching.
. The Holy Spirit is always with us.
2. Confirmation strengthens us to live out our faith.
3. The Holy Spirit helps us to love God and others.
4. Baptism is the sacrament that makes us members of the Church.
5. You will need to portray yourself being helped by the Holy Spirit.
6. Be able to explain - The Church uses a picture of a flame to remind us of the Holy Spirit because, like fire, the Holy Spirit gives us light, warmth, and energy.
7. Confirmation is the sacrament that seals us with the gift of the Holy Spirit.
8. At Confirmation, the bishop anoints us with Sacred Chrism.
9. At Confirmation, we pick a sponsor to help us.
10. The Holy Spirit is our helper and guide.
11. The Holy Spirit was sent by the Father and Jesus to help and guide the Church.
1. The first man and woman, Adam and Eve, disobeyed God.
2. Through Baptism, all of our sins are taken away.
3. In Baptism, the candle means that Christ is a light in our lives.
4. Baptism frees us from sin.
5. The children should be able to portray his/her memory or understanding of his/her own Baptism.
6. Baptism makes us a member of the church, a child of God, frees us from sin, and gives us a share in God's own life which we call Grace.
7. Water is an important sign of Baptism.
8. In Baptism, the white garment means that we are friends and followers of Jesus.
9. God's life in us is called Grace.
10. Water is a good sign of Baptism because water washes things clean just as Baptism cleanses us of sin.
11. There are 4 important signs of Baptism: water, candle, white garment, and blessed oil (chrism).
1. Faith is a gift that helps us to trust God and believe in him.
2. When we worship God we give him thanks and praise.1. Jesus' rising from the dead is called the Resurrection.
2. Jesus died and rose to new life to save us from sin.
3. We celebrate Jesus' Resurrection on Easter.
4. The Holy Spirit came to the disciples on Pentecost.
5. The church is all the people who are baptized in Jesus Christ and follow his teachings.
6. The Holy Spirit came to the disciples in a special way on Pentecost.
7. The many people who followed Jesus were called His disciples.
8. The Apostles were the twelve men Jesus chose to lead the community of people who believed in Him.
9. The Holy Spirit helps us to believe in Jesus and follow His teachings, to have faith, to be brave in following Jesus, to help others and be kind to them. The Holy Spirit is our Helper.
10. Be able to tell Mrs. Canning what you think it would have been like to have been one of the first members of the Church? You will have to write a story about it with 3-5 sentences.
1. The name Jesus means "God saves."
2. Jesus taught that God loves everyone.
3. Because Jesus is divine he did things only God can do.
4. We call the Three Persons in One God the Blessed Trinity.
5. Jesus could bring the dead back to life because he was divine.
6. People could see and hear Jesus because he was human.
7. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are the Holy Family.
8. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are the Blessed Trinity.
9. Jesus taught and showed people how to live, to love God and others, and to help one another.
10. Jesus taught people the "Our Father." When do you pray the Our Father?